Saturday, December 06, 2008

ManHood...or something like that

We had a great discussion last night at Celebrate Recovery about Manhood, and what it means to be a good Godly husband.

With all the struggles that we have in life, I think that when we reach the age where marriage is in the cards for us, the struggle of being a husband can either be the most rewarding or the most damaging to us. In my own life, for some reason the struggle to be a good husband, to truly love my wife beyond all malice, is the hardest thing in the world to do. Why is that?

For me, I am still struggling with the fact that because of my upbringing, I don't know what a good husband, much less a Godly one, looks like. To be fair, I can look at those in our Churches who have successful marriages and ask for advice, but in the end its all just words isn't it? And I can't really trust the appearance of success in their marriages because people are notorious for being fake.

Am I being cynical? Probably...but that really isn't the right question to ask. The more appropriate question is: am I right? Again, the answer is probably.

So how does one learn from "words"?

One thing that I know to be true in all of us when it comes to being a husband is that the real issue is an issue that our relationship with God is not right. So regardless of all reasons and rationalizations, I need to pursue God first and foremost if I am to be a good husband.

So here is to seeking God...again.

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