Monday, August 27, 2007

God's Warriors par deux

All in all I thought that the whole affair was fairly done. It is self evident that there are extremists on every side of the issue.

I still have to say though, and this may be clouded by my Christian faith, that there are still big differences between the extremists between the faiths.

I think the big problem can be found in how the fundamentalist groups on all three sides behave. On the Muslim side, the fundamentalist groups by and large resort to violence because of a mistaken idea of what Jihad means. On the Jewish fundamentalist side, the groups by and large resort not to violence, but oppression by occupation (hence the west bank). On the Christian fundamentalist side, the groups resort to political sword waving.

There does seem a downward spiral of violence, with the Muslim groups being more violent, and the Christian groups being the least violent. YES...I know that some people have targeted abortionists and burned down clinics and that there has been violence of other kinds as well. But by and large, those people are shunned by the fundamentalist establishment...and our government has a method for dealing with these domestic terrorists. I can't remember the last time that another sovereign Muslim country prosecuted a terrorist of their own volition and belief in what is right (besides the ones that the US threatens, which of course is another post).

Point is, even though the CNN special was fair...I did not see how "warrior" was a fair term to describe all three of the fundamentalist wings...

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